
Black & White
‘Black & White’ echoes amongst the haunting voices of the choir that draw us in to this journey, leading us into the unfolding of an ominous tale ready to be told.
There is no question that the foundation for this song is a dark layer of bass tones, underpinning the highs and lows used in the vocal melody from the beginning. Jobie makes his intentions clear with this song. Ready to publicise his anguish, he sings of being alone, and falsely sold the dream of forever. A relatable concept derived from heartbreak and despair.
Jobie says “If I was to sum up this song, I would have to say it is a middle finger up, taking back control heartbreak anthem.” He goes on to say “My intention for this song was to therapeutically release my own demons on a previous relationship, and in turn advocate for LGBTQ+ community, who historically haven’t had a place of worship to feel welcome into when they need guidance on this type of struggle.” Jobie states that the music video for this due to be released within the next month, will be set in a church.
Using layered choral harmonies and powerful vocals accompanied by heartbreaking lyrics, this song is due to set the precedent Jobie feels has been missing from his life. “Romantically, I’m guilty of putting myself last in every situation. Not anymore. Any future love will be a case of complement, not completion.”
Latest lyric video release for “Prophet”
Directed & Produced by Jobie. Creative Direction: Dan Oaten, Meg Burrows, Alex Whitehouse & Jobie.
Directed & Produced by Dan Oaten, Meg Burrows & Jobie.
Filmed & Edited by Dan Oaten.